“I have been participating in the “Host a Veteran” Fishing Derby since it’s debut in 2011. You certainly don’t need to know anything about fishing as I won 3rd place with a 21lb salmon that first year and have been coming back to try fir first place ever since! I can’t overstate what a great day this is overall – out on the water with other vets, fun and knowledgeable fishing boat captains, and a really moving show of community support for veterans. There are amazing prizes, great BBQ, and lots of fun and attractions at the harbour front. It is such a great experience for all ages and abilities. I often brought my young son along for the fun! We have really missed this great event the past 2 years, so glad it is back. I will definitely be there! ”
Capt Shannon Tyrrell, 1 Cdn Fd Hosp

“From the moment we arrived at Oakville marina the hospitality and outpouring of gratitude from everyone was Very evident and gracious. Guy, Melanie and all the volunteers sure know how to put on a fantastic fishing derby. Oh yeah, the fishing is awesome too’. Wouldn’t miss ‘Haveaveteran Fishing’ for the world. A must attend event!”
Tim Carrier

“On behalf of the Toronto Military Family Resource Centre, we are honoured to be the recipient of fundraising proceeds from the Host a Veteran fishing event over the past years. These funds are invested in much needed programs that support Military Families serving in the GTA. Programs such as Grief Counselling, Depression and Loss Workshops, Children and Youth Programs enhance the lives of service members and help to build strong and resilient families. We are so pleased the fishing derby creates common ground for veterans, serving members, families, service clubs, corporations and community members to interact and build camaraderie at the same time raising much needed funds for our Centre. Again, our most sincere and heartfelt thanks and we promise to continue to serve with excellence!”
Seija Suutari
Executive Director, Toronto Military Family Resource Centre

“Hero can be attributed to many and should be. The Veterans Fishing Derby celebrates and supports our real heroes. Their commitment to our freedom and way of life is unconditional and often with a smile. Their badge is honour, courage and inspiration. This Derby is a unique opportunity to show our support and gratitude for all that they do.”
Tim Hogarth
Chairman & CEO, Pioneer Energy

“I have had the opportunity to take part in this amazing even since its conception in 2011 and I have nothing but high praise for all involved. From the charters who volunteer their time, money, equipment and skills to LCol Guy Smith who was the events creator and director who brought his dream to life to fulfil dreams of other Veterans. I have had the privilege of fishing with some amazing guides such as Joe Tracker who have repeatedly put me on big fish and helped me experience things I’ve never seen before. The environment and camaraderie that occur at this event make it a pleasure and an honor to be part of. The date is always circled on my calendar with great anticipation of a line screaming away from the boat.”
Sgt. Justin Keough
4 CdnDiv TC, Meaford

“The Veterans Day Derby is a magnificent initiative to honour the brave men and women of the Canadian Forces who have served and continue to serve our country. The sacrifices they have made for our freedom is extraordinary. The physical and mental hardship they endure cannot go ignored. Now in its fourth year, the Derby has become a truly special way to recognize our veterans.”
Kevin Flynn

“Each year I look forward to the Veterans Fishing Derby out of Bronte.
I consider myself honored to be able to share my vessel and day on the water with such incredibly brave men and woman, whom committed to the ultimate sacrifice in life.
To see the smiles on their faces, sharing of stories, group photos, and time on the water reeling in salmon and trout is time well spent in my books!”
Cpt Jason Noble
Witching Hour Sportfishing

“The Veterans Day Derby has quickly become an annual event that both the veterans and guides anticipate. The opportunity to fish such a fun competition is a benefit we all reap thanks to the efforts and sacrifices of our veterans. What a better way to show our appreciation than to get out and enjoy our natural resource, take part in fishing and our Canadian heritage!”
Ben Gottfried
2013 King of the Veterans