Derby Regulations and Timings

Veteran’s Salmon Derby



1.Register a “Boat” or a “Veteran” is made at ca. All “Boats” and “Veterans” must be registered to participate. There is NO REGISTRATION FEE however a pledge sheet is provided to help raise funds for Veterans Helping Veterans.

2.The “Veterans Salmon Derby” is limited to 50 “Boats” and 100 “Veterans” for 2023. The maximum number of rods per boat is 6, regardless of the number of Veterans on board. Each Veteran can only weigh-in one Salmon and one Trout.

3.A Veteran MUST: assist fighting their fish, catch fish iaw Ontario Fishing Regulations as outlined in the Fishing Ontario recreational fishing regulations summary, and be in possession of valid picture identification. As a Veteran you do not require a fishing license.

4.The Veterans Salmon Derby takes place from the Bronte Harbour Butterfly Gazebo at Bronte Outer Harbour, straight down Bronte Road. Final detail briefing and marrying up between Veterans and Boat Captains takes place at 6 -630 am. Coffee and muffins provided.

5.A “Mass Start” is held at 7 am at the Bronte Creek harbour mouth. All Derby entrants must fish from a boat, between the hours of 7 am and 12. Boats must be inside the harbour mouth (lighthouse) no later than NOON (12 pm) or be penalized ONE POUND per minute or part thereof FROM THEIR LARGEST FISH.

6.Weigh-in, awards and BBQ will follow at Bronte Harbour Butterfly Gazebo. All fish must be weighed-in at the weigh-in station, to be considered for prizes.

7.“All boats” require adequate safety equipment as per Transport Canada Regulations and have appropriate insurance.

8.Fishing presents hazards any time – weather, faulty equipment and poor seamanship, to name a few. As a condition of participating in “Veterans Salmon Derby”, participants release “HAVET Fishing”, judges, volunteers and officers, employees, directors, representatives or agents from all liability or responsibility to the participant or his/her heirs, executors personal representatives, and representatives for loss, damage or injury suffered during the course of or arising out of participating in this event, whether or not arising out of negligence of those hereby released.

9.Plaques are awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place to both the Veteran and the Boat Captain for the heaviest Salmon and Trout. A “BOAT” is only eligible for 1 (One) of 1st, 2nd or 3rd placings in each catergory.

10.“KING OF THE VETERANS” trophy is awarded to the Veteran with the heaviest total weight of 1 Salmon and 1 Trout.